Current Lists Include
Deprecated: This list has been renamed to CLAC General.
CLAC General
CLAC-general is CLAC’s core listserv forum. It includes the CLAC Primary Representative and Alternate Representative from each member institution, as well as others from CLAC campuses who have an interest in the CLAC community.
If you are a newly assigned Primary/Alternate Representative, contact the board to be added to CLAC-general. Others can visit CLAC-general directly to subscribe.
CLAC CIO (Chief Information Officer /IT Leader)
CLAC-CIO is an exclusive forum composed of the CIO (or the equivalent highest-ranking IT leader) from each of the CLAC member institutions. If you are a new CLAC CIO, contact the board to be added to the list.
CLAC CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
CLAC-CFO is an exclusive forum composed of the Chief Financial Officers from CLAC member institutions.
CLAC Accessibility
CLAC Accessibility is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in digital accessibility at small liberal arts institutions.
CLAC Data Warehouse
CLAC Data Warehouse is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in data warehouses at small liberal arts institutions.
CLAC Information Security (InfoSec)
CLAC-InfoSec is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in information security at small liberal arts institutions.
CLAC Integrations
CLAC-Integrations is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in system and data integrations at small liberal arts institutions.
CLAC PM (Project Management)
CLAC-PM is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in project management.
CLAC Sysadmins
CLAC sysadmins is a topical forum for CLAC members interested in system administration.
For more information, contact